
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

So, I was walking down the street back to El Puente (where we are living) yesterday, and these two little girls were walking down the street saying “Hola, hola!” I said hi back and smiled at them. They were holding a jug of some liquid thing (probably carrying oil back to their house or something). They just kept smiling and walked along side of me and one of the girls reached for my hand to hold it. She kind of snuggled into my side as we walked down the street. I smiled at them and turned to Tom and said “I don’t know what to do.” “Ask them what their names are,” he said. ‘Oh, right!’ I thought. So I asked them their names and smiled and walked down the street with them. Then they said goodbye and turned down another street where home was.


What do you want from me? What do you want me to give you? What am I supposed to do for you? Why are you coming up to me acting so cute with smiles and holding my hand?

Gosh Jessica. Come out of your world. Come out of your world and look behind what you think the smiles and cute eyes mean. They need Jesus, and you have Him. You need to share Him.

5 responses to “Walking Down the Street”

  1. How amazing that you’re being presented with such incredible opportunities to share Christ’s love! Continue to let Him shine through you. You’re doing fantastic things lovely girl.

  2. WWJD?? hold hands THAT’S what! i speak boldness over you girl, the Lord is working just throw your hand up and enjoy the ride, thanks for sharing this story and thanks for being Jesus to two sweet girl, the Lord is smiling with you, never fear listening to His leading. He lives in you and you in Him YOU ARE HIS DAUGHTER!!

    In Him, in love,

  3. This is deep revelation Jessica. Fight for it! I’m leading a Real Life camp right now and God keeps giving me this word: the easiest thing to do is: nothing. You have some hard choices ahead – obedience is worth it but takes strength! God I pray strength and courage in Jesus’ name!