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Thoughts & Inspiration

So, I’ve been living in Granada for about a week and a half now-getting used to where we are staying, how to get to different places in town, meeting people, cooking, recovering from being sick, trying to speak Spanish, becoming friends with a cat that lives on our porch J . This list could go on a on.

Today we went to the Barrio (poorest place in town) to hang out with the kids, do a little bible lesson, craft, and games. To be honest, I didn’t really want to go. I wasn’t excited at all (if you knew me you would know that I’m not naturally good with kids). We had planned out the day before what we were going to do and stuff. I was kind of in charge of crafts. We braided bracelets out of yarn. It was interesting because when we passed out the yarn, the older kids knew exactly what to do with it so we helped the younger kids braid their bracelets. At some point I ended up asking Garrett for the yarn to get more string, and a bunch of kids started swarming around me asking for more, tapping my shoulder, saying ‘me first me first’, and tugging at my arms. Oh my goodness it was overwhelming. I finally asked Valerie for help. I gave her the string and scissors, and within one second, she had the kids in a line waiting quietly for string as she passed it out. So, I learned a lot from hanging out with the kids. Really, they all just need love and smiles and for you to say hi to them. If you look past their greedy hands and pushy arms, all they need is love and someone to show them what love is.