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They’ve taken over. The enemy is all around. They’ve surrounded the walls and have broken through the gate, to my heart. They are inside, attacking every piece of me. I try my best to stand my ground, but I’m slowing giving up with every strike my enemy gives, ever cut, every bruise, ever blow.

As I’m trapped in my own heart that has been taken I hear a voice calling out to me. The voice isn’t at the front gate.

Fighting my way through the blood and the pain I make my way to the only other way into my heart. It is small and tiny, and only I know about it. It’s the secret way to my heart. I opened the tiny door, to see my Father and King on the other side. He asks if He can come in.

He offers His strength, His love, and His grace. He asks me if I will accept them.

The battle in my heart is a battle for my heart. My enemy wants my heart, and I don’t want him to have it. But the only way my enemy will not have it is if I let my Father and King come in and have it. That’s the only way because I am not strong enough to hold my own against my enemy. My Father wants my heart too.

My Father will not go in and take it though. He wants me to accept His offer. He wants my service, and my heart, but He will not take it unless I give Him permission to. He will not come in and save me unless I give Him permission to.

He’s at the door, asking me if I want help, asking me if I will surrender.

Why will I not surrender? Why will I not accept His offer? He can heal, I have wounds. He can fight what I can not fight.

It’s so obvious when it’s written like this. Of course I want help. Of course I’ll open the door. I would be foolish not to-I need help. Yet, I say no every day. The battle is unseen.

5 responses to “The Unseen Battle”

  1. wow jess this is like super awesome you definitly captured the battle and portrayed it very well with words way to go

  2. Jessica,

    This is a beautiful piece of writing and am sure that Our Father is very happy with you.

    Mick Cochran

  3. Keeping you in prayer. In Christ you are more than a conquerer through Him who loved you. (Romans 8:37)

    • The enemy has farther to go than you realize, Jess, although it may not seem that way. All the powers of Heaven wait for your command.