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Granada welcomed Vida Joven, or Young Life, almost two years ago. This wildly successful program has demonstrated that young people here are hungry for wholesome alternatives to drugs, alcohol, gangs and life in the streets. As host to the Club, EL Puente is bursting with kids throughout the week. However, this Club receives no outside support, making the 5 Kilometer Fun Run essential to the Club’s survival. Last year we raised about $4000 through this event, and this year we hope to raise double that amount, so that we can bring Vida Joven to another poor barrio, patiently waiting over a year for their own Club. 

We hope you will sponsor youth in this year’s race.If you’d like to help, we suggest the following sponsorship levels: 

Single Sponsorship:   $5
Triple Sponsorship:   $15
Quintuplets:             $25
Ten People:             $50

Any amount you would like to give is welcome.



Checks may be mailed to:

Adventures in Missions

6000 Wellspring Trail

Gainesville, GA 30506

Attention: Nicaragua Kids Camp Fun Run (don’t forget this!)


Or, sponsorships may be made online at this link: VidaJoven

Once you are on the web page, simply:
1. In the drop down menu select “Support a World Race Project”
2. In the Project box that appears, type in: Nicaragua Kids Camp Fun Run
3.Follow the simple donation process. Its easy.

All funds collected will go directly to the Granada Vida Joven Club. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Thanks for your help.