
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I have grown and learned so much over the past almost 2 months. It is crazy, and I don’t think I even realize how much God has actually done in my life yet, and it’s just the beginning, which is exciting.

Today we went to hang out with our adopted family for the afternoon. We (my team) have had the privilege of getting to know this family and sharing God’s love with them for the past 2 months. Because this family is so amazing, I want to name each of them. Maricia is the mother, and she has 7 children. We have been able to get to know 5 of them (the other two work). Their names are Hector, Adela, Maricio, Flore, and Trinidad. All of them are amazing, and reflect the character of our Father in some way.

Anyways, as I was saying, my team was able to hang out with them for the afternoon. Today was one of the last times we will be able to see them before we leave for Nicaragua. This next week my team will be somewhere else in Mexico doing an outreach project (more on that later). Then when we get back from the out-reach project, we will be able to see the family probably only about 2 more times.

Honestly, I didn’t think leaving them would effect me that much. We haven’t even said our last goodbye yet, and I was teary eyed on the way home from hanging out with them. I did not realize how much this family has influenced my time here in Mexico until now. I didn’t realize how much I cared about them, and how much they have done for me, and how much my heart is breaking for them even now as I type this blog. I do not fully understand this feeling, and why it is happening now. I just care so much about them, and I don‘t understand exactly what is behind it. I didn’t realize how much I have gotten to know them, and I didn’t even talk to them that much (language barrier). I guess through the hugs, playing soccer, drawing pictures for each other, playing hide and go seek, building an out-house for them, teaching Maricia and her daughters how to make hemp bracelets and necklaces, and more hugging and games, we were able to build this relationship and connection that I didn’t even know was so deep. I cannot describe to you this feeling right now. It breaks my heart to know that my team came here for 2 months, hung out with this family, and then are leaving them. I know it’s all part of what we are doing, but there was a relationship that was built, and I did not realize how much it would hurt to leave (still, haven’t even said the last goodbye).

I guess through all of this, I want you to know that God is amazing. His heart breaks for people, and His heart breaks for you. He doesn’t want us to leave Him because He loves us in a way that we can’t understand and never will understand. His love for you will be something that you will never understand, and that’s ok. You don’t have to understand. All you have to do is rest in His love.