
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

“It’s time to get up. You have 5 minutes to get ready for the day. Make sure you grab your bible, pen, and notebook” said one of the leaders. What? I looked at my watch and it was 5:10 in the morning. I rushed out of bed, not really knowing what was going on., got ready, and went to the main building where there was a simple breakfast of hard boiled eggs and bread. After a short breakfast we loaded up in the vans (still not knowing what was going on) and headed out.

We ended up at a park, and stayed there for about an hour and a half for quiet time with Jesus. After that, we loaded back into the vans, still not knowing where we were going. Honestly, I hoped we were going back to the base. The night before I had stayed up pretty late, which isn’t very normal. So, I was kind of tired. Well, we didn’t. We ended up being dropped off at a poor area/community. It was around 9am, and the leaders told us they would be back at 4:45pm to pick us up. We were given a bag with some food in it, and 3 envelopes with certain instructions for the day.

Our first envelope said to find a way to serve the community. So, we headed out, after spending some time in prayer as a team. We found a woman who needed help with her roof. It leaked when it rained, so we helped her fix it. Our next envelope said to feed 8 people. We had sandwiches and apples for the day, and had decided that we would give those to people. We walked around for a bit, and started talking to a lady who had 2 children. We were thinking we would give her our sandwiches, especially after she invited us to come into her house and talk with her for a while. But, she ended up cooking for us and serving us instead. We ended up finding a church near by to give the sandwiches to.

Our last envelope said to speak truth/life into someone. The girls on my team ended up going up to another woman and praying for her. She was outside doing her laundry. So that was pretty cool.

Overall, Tuesday was a very interesting day. It was challenging, and good at the same time. Tuesday was the beginning of a week filled with focusing on following and do what Jesus did, and what He has asked us to do as His disciples. On Wednesday we fed people and prayed and talked to them, Thursday we prayed for more people and for sick people, walking around and doing what we felt God was asking us to do. On Friday, we worked-serving and meeting then needs of others.

Why such a busy week? And why such a spur of the moment schedule? As a big group, we had been asking if this was it. There just had to be more to living in Mexico, learning a lesson every day, and doing ministry every day. There had to be more to following Jesus and seeking and running after Him.

Let me tell you, after this week, I can definitely say there is more to being a true disciple of Jesus Christ than sitting around and learning about Him. We are called to be Jesus to others. Being Jesus to others can’t happen unless you go out and do it (through prayer and walking in the Spirit).

4 responses to “Living Like Jesus”

  1. wow jess all that you are doing is so great it sounds like a lot of hard work but its wonderful that you are doing what God has called you too, it is amazing to see what you are doing and how God is using you in all these different things. reading all this is so inspiring and just makes me really happy. i can tell that you are growing so much as a christian and that you are learning so much through this which is awesome.

  2. it’s incredible to see how you are so clearly doing Christ’s work within communities in Mexico and developing relationships with the people. amazing 😉

  3. Alright Jess, this is just sick. It sounds like you guys are totally being thrown out there and getting stuff done. It’s truly awesome. Really, it sounds like you are a group of disciples, thats how I pictured it. I am LOVING the spontaneity of your group. That must be such a cool learning experience. You are in a very cool place and totally soaking it all in. That’s fantastic.