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So, I decided to share with anyone who reads my blog about lies I am battling and trying to kill, and fill with TRUTH from Jesus.

Lies- I am completely off. I’m not where I’m supposed to be. My relationship with my Father is not really real, it’s fake, and I have no idea what I am doing, or how to communicate with Him. I’m not good enough to be in relationship with Him. The love that I have learned about my whole life, and have supposedly believed in is not tangible, and I will never understand or know it, or feel it. There is no way that I am or could ever be a daughter of the King of the universe, the Ruler and Father over every single being of this earth.

TRUTH-While I might feel off and not really know who I am at times, God knows all, and has all in His hands (have you ever really thought about that and truly believed that from your heart? It will change your world if you do). Though I might not feel close communication with my Father at times, He is always there, and will always be there, and will never leave… NEVER, even if I don’t think I know how to communicate with Him. My Father values me, and wants to be in a relationship with me. He loves me and cares about me. If someone loves someone, they will want to be in a close and intimate relationship with the person they love (DUH). I AM A DAUGHTER OF THE LIVING KING, who reigns over all the earth. He is my perfect Father, my Dad.

Wow, what do I do after I have heard the truth? I’ve heard it from my Father Himself. What do I do after I start believing the TRUTH? What in the world am I supposed to do next? ….. Just WALK WITH HIM.

3 responses to “Lies vs. TRUTH”

  1. Amen sister! Walk with Him. He’s got your hand, and WILL NOT let you fall. I’m pretty sure that’s a bit a truth He’s confirmed many times recently. 🙂