
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I was sitting on a rocking chair on the front porch at El Puente with a new kitten on my lap. I was thanking God for different things and I came to the word safety. Safety and protection. I was thinking about how I live in a fairly safe place; we are fenced in and we have security guards. I thanked Him for safety, and then started thinking about how I’m not really safe. I can’t explain it because I am no where near understanding it. We are safe, but we aren’t. We are not living in a safe place-no matter where we are in the world. Around every corner and every turn, under every step and behind every door there is danger that we can’t see. In every heart and in every mind there is some kind of battle taking place. Satan is crawling around waiting for opportunities to torment and harass.

Those of us who believe in Jesus Christ can have confidence in the fact that we have safety in Him. We have a place to turn to and strength that is given to us, as well as perseverance, hope, determination, and faith. But we can’t stop after knowing this truth. How do we get to the point where we can understand that we are living in danger? And how do we reach the point where we can see it and encourage and love each other through it with His perfect love and grace? I want to be at the point where I can live in the world with my mind completely focused on something greater-His Kingdom, and Him.