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Were asked to write a blog about how we were called to this mission trip. Here is my story…

            I have wanted to go on a mission trip for a very, very, long time. I love learning about different cultures and meeting people from different parts of the world. I desire to see how God is working in a different part of the world, just as I desire to see Him and be with Him.

            So, during senior year (which really wasn’t that long ago), I was trying to think about what to do after graduation. I didn’t want to go to college quite yet because, honestly, I really had no idea what to do next and I was ready for a break from school. I still had a strong desire to go on a mission trip, so I thought, well, maybe now would be a good time. 

            Things were kind of crazy at home this past year, so figuring out what to do after high school really didn’t happen. Summer rolled around, and it still wasn’t figured out, even though I was thinking a lot, and doing a research. My friend found AIM through an internet search he did on his computer, he liked what he saw, so he sent me the link. From there, I read about the Novas project, what AIM is all about, how they value discipleship, their views, and decided I really liked AIM. I didn’t see any reason not to apply, so I applied in the middle of July, was accepted at the end of July, and now am going crazy (in a good way) getting ready for an 8 month mission trip I’m leaving for in about 1 month. (Keep in mind that I have been praying through this whole time J).

God has let everything just fall into place during this short and crazy process. I translate that as Him saying- “Keep going, I want you to go, and watch me move.” I am so excited to see what God is up to, and can not wait to see what else He has in store. J

One response to “How I was called to the Mission Field”

  1. I’m excited with you! Also, I love your reasoning for going on the mission field between high school and college. It’s wonderful… I wish I had made the same decision back then.