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Hello from Mexico! It’s hot, sweaty, hot, sunny, hot, and hot. But it is also amazing, fun, amazing, tiring, amazing, and amazing. Basically, the hot weather is worth it. J

God has already been changing and teaching me (not like He wasn’t teaching me at home or anything). He has been growing me, and I have only been here for a week! That’s crazy and awesome.

We have all been trying to get used to a different schedule, as it gets a little more crazy this coming week. I’m thinking that this past week will be seen as easy, compared to this coming week, but we’ll see. We are learning about first aid this week, and are doing a ton of reading that is due in about a week. Even though it’s a lot of reading to go through, it is good and challenging.

My team met our host family this past week. There is a single mom, with 7 children. They are adorable, and my team is very excited to be in relationship with them. A few days ago we played soccer with the children, it was a lot of fun J

Yesterday (Saturday) we went to Texas for the day (Saturdays are free days). We all bought comfort food while we were there. I bought trail mix and dried fruit. It was wonderful!

I cannot describe to you how amazing and challenging this past week has been. I know God is doing some amazing work inside of me, and I know He wants to continue to do so. He is teaching me what it means to follow Him, and truly seek after Him. It’s so hard, but it’s so good. (You can continue to pray for me and my adventure with Jesus if you would like to J ).

5 responses to “Hello from Mexico!”

  1. jess thats awesome it sounds like you are having a great time and that God is really working in your life. miss you here back in illinois and still praying for you

  2. Jess Thats Amazing and Awesome and Amazing and tariffic and Amazing and Amazing! Im glad to hear you are doing good and you are with a good host family. Sounds like you are having alot of fun and are working hard. I have so much to tell you but, you have more to tell me im sure. I miss you but, seeing your shinning face will be all the better. Im praying for ya always.

  3. Hey girl! You sound like you are loving this awesome adventure! I am so excited for you! I miss you but i know you are where God wants you to be! Praying for you, Jessica!
    Much love!

  4. Hey girl!
    glad to hear you’re doing so well. Would love to see some pix.
    Know that we are praying for you and thinking of you often. Keep listening and watching. I’m excited about how He’s moving in you!

    peace and joy,