
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

So, I’m usually not the one to see God working in me when He is working in me (which is all the time, so that statement didn’t make sense). But, I’m seeing little glimpses of Him moving and softening my heart. I’ll give two examples…

Gerry. Gerry is a cat. Gerry is a cat that lives at El Puente. I hate cats. I’m not good with animals-they most definitely are not my favorite thing in the world. I just really don’t have compassion for them and usually don’t think most of them are cute when others do (accept for the family dog, Zip). When I first arrived at El Puente, I would not touch Gerry, and she scared me every time I saw her running around (especially at night). Now, Gerry will sit in my lap from time to time, I play with her (a lot), and I will pick her up. I still get mad at Seth for feeding her dinner from his plate while we are eating dinner, but that’s a different story.

On a more serious note… This was my second week going to the Barrio and hanging out with the kids in the morning on Friday. I didn’t want to go (just like last time), and wasn’t excited about it (just like last time). I wanted to do something else, and did not want to go see kids that I didn’t know. But as I was there, my heart seemed to be doing the opposite of what it was doing on the way to the Barrio. These kids are so precious. They need love and they need smiles. They need someone to love them, and they need someone to take time out of their schedule to spend time with them and play with them. They need hugs, they need love, they need people to show them love, and show them a perfect Father’s love. How can a daughter of the King of this universe not have compassion for children who need her King’s love so desperately? It is dangerous to have a cold heart, and to have a hard heart towards people who the Father cares so deeply about.

3 responses to “God is Working on Me”

  1. it’s so awesome to hear how God’s working in and through you on this trip lovely lady! we all love you dearly and pray for you constantly 🙂

  2. I keep smiling when I read these things about animals and kids because I know how hard it is for you to be around both of them and I am so excited about seeing the ways you have let God mold and change you. So cool to hear about you loving on those kids and I am surprised about you and the cat, but i love it! Maybe one day i will even get you to pet my guinea pig. hehe! 🙂 love you and constantly praying.