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Thoughts & Inspiration

So, we have a dinner for the community every Friday night. A lot of children have been showing up recently. This past Friday was a little hard for me to process because after we were done serving the food, kids who had already eaten started coming up and asking for more food and telling us that they didn’t eat yet. It was so hard for me to have a loving, caring, and gentle heart towards them. How do you show love to little children who are lying through their teeth about how they didn’t get anything to eat yet, or that they just walked through the door when the door closed 10 minutes ago? How do I let my Father’s grace, mercy, and love shine through myself in the moments that are so annoying and tough?

There’s a battle that’s going on inside that I need to learn how to fight more- to let my Father show His love through me even when inside I want to turn away and not be nice because I know they are lying. It’s not my place to decide whether they deserve love or not.

4 responses to “Friday Night Dinner”

  1. Jonah had similar struggles…Remember the vine that God caused to grow overnight and then sent a worm to destroy it to teach him a lesson? God is gracious and compassionate, and fortunately doesn’t treat us as we deserve…”forgive us our trespasses (or debts) as we forgive those who trespass against us”…

  2. Jess:

    You may want to think of reversing the role and putting yourself in their position. Generally kids in third world countries have so much less than we do and I really feel as if that may help you. Blessings will be yours.

    Love you,
    Mick Cochran
    Trinity Vineyard Christian Fellowship
    St. Charles Illinois

  3. C.S. Lewis has a quote like this… he says something to the effect of: when I stand before God, I’d rather have made the mistake of giving. I don’t stand responsible for how my gift is used, but rather if I was obedient to give it.
    This is good stuff Jess!

  4. I completely understand what you are talking about. People who are easy to get along with are easy to love. But those that push the envelope are a challenge. It makes me that much more thankful for God’s perfect love that’s unconditional, even when I am not easy to get along with. The battle is a hard one but with God’s help, we can show His love. Keep fighting the battle, with Christ on your side.