
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration


We were asked to write a blog about how we felt before leaving on this mission trip. Here is what I am expecting. 

            Right now, I think I am excited. I think I’m ready for this adventure. There has been a lot going on in my journey with Jesus (if there wasn’t, then something would definitely be wrong), and I feel like it’s the right time to travel and do something like this. I think God is going to really stretch me and push me out of my comfort zone, and I think, in the end, it will be a really good thing for me. I definitely need it.

            I expect that when I come home, I will be even more passionate for Jesus. I want a passion to live for Him, not just a strong desire. I want to be changed in a crazy way during this mission trip. I want to grow, and I want to be spiritually fed. I want to see Him, and I want to know Him more intimately. I want a deeper understanding of what is means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ, and a true follower of Him. I want to listen to Him, and I want to see Him heal people. I want to see Him heal His children. 

            All that said, I think it will be hard to leave. I am comfortable here at home. I am safe here at home. People know me here at home. I have friends here, at home. I did say I am ready for this new journey, but I also have doubts and fears about this journey as well. Sometimes I worry about how my family will do if I am gone (maybe that’s just an oldest child thing?). I also worry about how good friends will do because I won’t be there to encourage them like I do now (they encourage me too, it definitely goes both ways). Both of these worries and fears are going to be something I need to trust God with. I’m going to have to trust that God will take care of my family, and trust that God will take care of my good friends. It’s something I’m going to have to give to Him, and it might not be the easiest thing to do. 

            Ending on a positive note, I believe this can be done. I believe I can surrender my worries and trust God, knowing that He will provide for my family, and that He will provide for my friends in the way that they need. He cares about them so much more than I could ever care, and that is comforting to me. So, yay! I am so excited to go on this trip! Lets grow and see God move! J