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So, I’ve been thinking a lot about coming home recently. I can’t lie; I am very excited to go home. I can’t wait to see my family and friends. I can’t wait to be at home with my sisters and brothers and my mom and dad, and even the dog. I can’t wait to hang out with friends, talking at Caribou, going on walks, and hanging out by the camp fire or on a trampoline.

I’ve been trying to figure out if it’s okay to be excited about going home. I am happy that I am here. I love being in Nicaragua. I love the people here, I love my team, I love cooking with no oven, I love walking everywhere, and I love making paper beads for bracelets. God is so amazing and has created so many different people and so many different places and it’s such a privilege to see what He is doing in a different part of the world.

Something else I’ve been thinking about too is that when I do go home, it’s not quite going to feel the same. I will most likely love being with my family and friends, but it will not be the same. It won’t be what I knew home to be anymore. It won’t be home because it’s not.

It’s so interesting how God uses things on earth to tie into the bigger picture. I don’t feel at home in Nicaragua, even though I like it, and I’m not going to feel the same when I go home either. I will never truly feel at home as long as I am living on this earth. Those of us who have Jesus Christ in our hearts will never truly feel at home until we are at home, after we have died and are with Him. That is where our only true home is. Everything else is temporary, and it will not truly satisfy.

4 responses to “Coming Home”

  1. Yes! Im also very excited to have you come back and have us all hang out again so we can all talk and hear what had happened. But you are so right about truly not at home here or there. Its so great that you are feeling like this and changing in such a great way. Praying for you and still excited for when you get back

  2. we are so excited to have you come home too! but we’re also ECSTATIC that you’re in nicaragua right now! continue to let Him work through you while you’re in your current, though temporary, home 🙂 we love you!

  3. hello beautiful! i am sitting here at school with nothing to do, waiting for prospective family night to start. i decided to clean out my inbox and saw a notification of your post. so i went through and read all of them. i feel awful for now keeping up with you and keeping you in prayer. i can see how God is working in you and how much of a challenge it has been. i don’t know completely but i have an idea about what you are struggling with in coming home. i love the idea that we can find our home in God. i love your spirit and i am it has been heartwarming to hear from you. wow, this is getting long. i’ll be praying for you and maybe we can go out for coffee or tea when you get back. love you very much.

  4. Coming home is absolutely bittersweet. It’s not going to be the same, but it’s not going to feel different…it’s a paradox of emotions that’s fairly normal. The key to coming home is: integration. Who you’ve become mingling with the people who knew you before. It’s do-able, but may take time. It’s good processing Jessica!