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Well, first of all, nothing is typical when you are on the field, or with AIM, but that only makes it more fun and interesting J .

Maybe I’ll just tell you what I did today, and add something here or there. Today, we got up at 7 and had team exercise (that happens every morning), breakfast at 8, and team discussion at 9. After team discussion we did an ATL (ask the Lord-we go around, having no plan at all, asking the Lord to guide us and asking Him if there is anything He would like us to do) at the mall in Matamoros (as a team), came back in time for lunch, then had ministry is at 2. Usually we go visit our family (the family my team ministers to, and is building a relationship with) during ministry time, but today, we decided to minister to each other because we felt that it was needed. After ministry we have check in at 5 (usually team discussion), dinner at 6, then teaching at 8.

The morning activity varies from week to week. This week, lots of ATL’s have been scheduled, last week we did a lot of gardening (we learned how to organic garden!!!). The teachings vary from week to week as well. This week, we are discussing theology every day. Last week we really focused on the gardening, and the week before that we talked about grace.

It has been really busy this week because of all the theology discussions. There is a ton of reading that has to be done before each discussion. But its really good and interesting. Our goal during our theology discussions is to make God bigger. God is definitely getting bigger in my mind after all these discussions, and that is all that matters J .

4 responses to “A Typical day in Mexico…”

  1. Wow jess sounds like you have a very a busy day everday but thats great. It seems like everything you do will only make you stronger in Him…hope everything is going well and always praying for you

  2. Girl, i love that you all just go out and see what God has for you all to do. That is just a cool thing and a seriously large step of faith. You sound wonderfully busy doing God’s work. Keeping loving Him!

  3. so glad to hear that you’re having such a great experience in mexico and that God is clearly working in you and others there! we’re praying for you and love you dearly!